NEET Entrance Question


A body is thrown upwards with velocity 100 m/s and it travels 5 m in the last second of its upward journey. If the same body is thrown upward with velocity 200 m/s, what distance will it travel in the last second of upward journey?

a) 5 m

b) 25 m

c) 20 m

d) 10 m 


One body is dropped while a second body is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 2 m/s simultane- ously. The separation between them is 18 meters after a time:

a) 4.5 s

b) 9 s

c) 18 s

d) 9.8 s 


The magnitude of average velocity is equal to the average speed when a particle moves: 

a) With constant acceleration

b) On a curved path

c) With constant retardation

d) In the same direction 


In one dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v satisfies the condition 0 < v < v0. Then: 

a) The acceleration is always a non – negative number

b) The displacement in time T must always take non – negative values

c) The motion has no turning points

d) The displacement in time T satisfies: – v0T < x < v0T 


One body is dropped while a second body is thrown downwards with an initial velocity of 2 m/s simultane- ously. The separation between them is 18 metres after a time:

a) 18 s

b) 4.5 s 

c) 9.8 s

d) 9 s 


Which of the indicated H in the following is most acidic?


a) Y

b) X

c) Z

d) P


The length of the carbon –  carbon single bond of the compounds

  1. CHequation.pdf = CH –   C equation_1.pdf CH
  2. CHequation_2.pdf C –   C equation_3.pdf CH
  3. CHequation_4.pdf –   CH equation_5.pdf CH equation_6.pdf
  4. CHequation_7.pdf = CH –   CH = CH equation_8.pdf

is expected to decrease in the order:

a) III > II > I > IV

b) II > IV > I > III

c) I > III > II > IV

d) III > IV > I > II


The most stable resonating structure of the following molecule is:


a) pastedGraphic_1.png

b) pastedGraphic_2.png

c) pastedGraphic_3.png

d) pastedGraphic_4.png


Which of the following is an aromatic species?

a) None of these

b) pastedGraphic.png

c) pastedGraphic_1.png

d) pastedGraphic_2.png


Nucelophilicity order is correctly represented by:

a) equation.pdf

b) equation_1.pdf

c) equation_2.pdf

d) equation_3.pdf


A character which is express in a hybrid is called?

a) Recessive         

b) Dominant

c) Co-dominant        

d) Epistatic


Mendel choose pea plant because they?

a) Were cheap          

b) Were easily available     

c) Have great economic important     

d) Were having contrasting character


The three principle of Mendelism are?

a) Linkage, segregation and independent assortment

b) Linkage, dominance-recessiveness and segregation

c) Dominance-recessiveness, segregation and independent assortment

d) Dominance-recessiveness, linkage and independent assortment


In epistasis?

a) One gene alters the effects of another

b) A portion of a chromosome is deleted

c) A portion of a chromosome is inverted

d) Nothing changes from generation to generation


When the blood group of a father and mother, respectively are O and A, then the blood group of their child will be?

a) AB        

b) A and O

c) A          

d) All type


Which of the following condition is not X-linked?

a) Vit D resistance rickets    

b) Haemophilia

c) Down syndrome       

d) Colour blindness

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